Carrol Law Firm, LLC
Background and Experience
In addition to hundreds of hours of education and training on defending DUI cases, Mr. Carroll has completed the breath-test courses on the operation of the DataMaster DMT and the BAC DataMaster offered by National Patent Analytical Systems, the manufacturer of the DataMaster breath testing device. He has also completed the NHTSA practitioner's course on Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, and the (IACP) Drug Recognition and Evaluation Course.
Mr. Carroll is a member of the Teaching Faculty of the prestigious National College for DUI Defense and a frequent lecturer on the defense of DUI cases and DUI and criminal law related issues in South Carolina. He has served as chairman of the South Carolina Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers' annual DUI Defense seminar for the past ten years; the premier DUI Defense training event for criminal defense lawyers in South Carolina.
Though his practice is primarily devoted to the defense of DUI and DUI related charges, Mr. Carroll continues to successfully defend select non-DUI criminal cases in State and Summary courts in South Carolina.
Mr. Carroll is a Past President of the South Carolina Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the State's largest professional association of criminal defense lawyers. He is president of the Charleston County Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. He is actively involved in the legislative process and serves as co-chairman of the South Carolina Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers' Legislative Steering Committee. He is regularly involved with the drafting, debating and negotiating of proposed criminal justice legislation.
Drew Carroll
44 Markfield Dr., Ste. C
Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 737-4245