Hewlett, Collins & Allard
Background and Experience
Driving While Impaired in Wilmington is a serious charge, and can lead to severe punishment if not handled properly. If you have been arrested for a DWI in North Carolina, it is important that you hire an experienced DWI defense attorney to help you navigate through the legal process and get your life in order. John Collins has extensive experience representing clients in DWI cases, and we can assist at every step of this difficult period. A DWI doesn’t have to ruin your life, and with our skilled attorneys representing you the outcome can be much more favorable. Every DWI case will have different factors that need to be discussed with experienced legal counsel before you ever step foot into a courtroom. Contact John Collins today if you have been arrested for a DWI in North Carolina, and let him review your case and help you move forward.
John C. Collins
515 Princess Street
Wilmington, NC 28402
(910) 763-0156