Michael D. Barber, Jr. & Associates
Background and Experience
Michael Barber’s training as a prosecutor and defense attorney gives him the ability to interpret what the other side is considering and thinking in regards to a clients case. Michael was invited by other county prosecutors to be a guest instructor for DUI courses at both the Georgia Public Safety and Training Center and county locations. His training at the Georgia Public Safety and Training Center (the same training center where State Troopers receive their training and where all police officers supplement their training) helped Michael learn what both the police and State Troopers learn to make their DUI cases. After returning to defense work, Michael continues to help those in need. DUI and drug-related cases require a thorough analysis of the situation. Call Michael Barber for a free consultation and put one of our DUI Attorney’s to work for you.
Michael D Barber, Jr.
924 Cherokee Ave
Loganville, GA 30052
(404) 642-4379